Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How blessed am I??

I can stare for minutes stacked upon minutes at this tiny creature that my own body created.  I love to snuggle him close & breath in all his goodness and memorize this tiny face.  He'll be four months old in a few days, he's already 27 inches and around 15 pounds, 2 molars poked through within a week with no signs of any other teeth.  He slobbers like crazy but he handles this teething business like a champ with a side of occasional fussy.  He loves yogurt & beans, he's learning to grab his feet & rub those little tubby legs, practice those vowel sounds, even some scooting.  He's a very happy boy who sleeps through the night & is all around just perfect to me.  I feel soo incredibly blessed I was chosen to be his momma :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Birth Story..

For whatever reason, I expected birth to be... simple, perhaps.  Everyone seemed to know when they were in labor, you go to the hospital, push for a few minutes, and you're rewarded with a clean babe.
For me, it was much like so...
I was due March 29, 2012... two days before my own birthday.  It was quite selfish of me but I really did not want to share my day.  Since the beginning of my third trimester, I'd been feeling cramps & funky pains here and there; just to learn I was severely dehydrated.  Once I'd cranked up the fluid intake, I'd felt relatively normal... March 25th, 5:30 am I started to feel a different kind of pang... one going up your whole spine.  I chalked it up to him just getting comfy since the stress test two days prior showed that he wanting nothing to do with re homing.  I tried to sleep but it was useless so I opted to shower in hopes but still nothing.  Took a few more tummy pictures just in case this really WAS the last chance...
I downloaded a contraction app, my pangs of annoyance were 15 minutes apart... around 9:30 am, there came the strongest one yet followed by a gush of water.  That really threw me & I texted everyone I knew asking if it was possible to pee yourself during pregnancy.  Looking back, I can't believe what a ding dong I was.  Yet to my relief, the pains went away, I was able to take a nap on a towel, went to Subway for yums, then called my Mom who told me to call the nurse line.  The nurse, of course, prompted me to go to the hospital ASAP.  4:30 pm, I was admitted, this crazy, demonic, awful nurse strolls in with some confetti looking paper to confirm if it was amniotic fluid.  She told me in her harsh accent that it was & then jammed a q tip in to get absolute conformation.  Then she proceeded to use my ribs as a brace & quite uncomfortably check the dilation of the cervix.  Two.  40% effaced & he was still sitting as high as possible. This is where it all went completely different than I had envisioned.. I didn't want an IV for fluids, I could still drink fine but she told me I was not allowed to have water so this was my only choice.  Next came the Pitocin, which I had heard & seen horrible things... didn't want it either but had no choice since my baby had Chuck Norris-d his water bag.  I asked her questions about the Pitocin & she had straight lied & said it's not painful at all.  HAA.  Some where in there, I had a break down & I could not stop crying... it was a hot mess.  Time after this was hazy, I kept looking at the clock & I was not progressing yet the contractions were right on top of each other... they kept the IV fluids flowing which induced absurd coldness & involuntary shaking.  The worse part was having to go to the restroom... trying to maneuver the IV tree & the belly monitors.  I remember counting the hours trying to get to 4 cm & laying in that bed whimpering & cursing that terrible lady for giving me that Pitocin.  I had brought my quilt & pillows, the only real comfort I had.  Finally I got the epidural, which I also did not want but nothing else was going as planned so why not!! That went wrong too, they had to do that 2 times & insert a catheter 4 times... I felt it all & it was less than an awesome moment.  I got a second round of epidural juice & that numbed it all finally.  Insert napping.  Then I had to potty & the nurse said that it'd be fine but then the Dr. man came & said I was swelling my cervix & that might induce a c section.  Since 24 hours had passed, I was started on antibiotics...  this Dr.  had told me if things weren't hauling balls quickly by 10 am on the 26th I'd have a c section anyway but God blessed me with a shift change & at 12 PM on the 26th, we we're rolling...  I couldn't feel my legs or anything else, my best friend asked if she could peek & at some point when you're having a child, your modesty goes smooth sailing... there's at least 20 people that have looked at your goods and 10 that have touched em.  The ripening to help hurt like a beast but by 2:04 PM he was finally here!  The nurse was amazed I could hold my breath to ten but I was determined.  I was swollen like a tank from 12 liters of fluid & the doctor compared sewing me up to upholstering a couch, my mother announced cutting the cord is NOTHING like cutting scrap book ribbon.  After they'd sucked his lungs free of the meconium he'd swallowed, they handed him over to me but my arms were so weak that he just laid on my chest while I ate buffet style.  That was it, he'd looked at me with all knowing eyes & in some ways, I was born that day too. It was estimated he'd be 7.14 but there he was, 8 1/2 pounds, 21 inches.  It's such wonderment, your body created this, such pride in you nurtured them to completion & perfection. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Still Grateful...

I haven't posted in so long but looking back makes me realize how much I've grown. Then I look in the top left corner and feel the need to snicker at, "Simply Sweet Nuts...", so maybe not that much.
I thought I would never, ever meet my soul mate.  I was 24 & really feeling the wrath of old age (HA!!)  & then it happened.  Like all things do when you least expect them.  I met the one I was destined for, my heaven on Earth.

Brenden Jay.
8 weeks today 

Friday, May 20, 2011

telephone blogs

I am reminded of things to be thankful for. At the moment I reach out to whomever via 2 thumbs & 2 bug bites; one for his dinner and one to avenge his pal's murder.
The night is still, the town quiet and the moon; a mere orange shadow.
I am thankful for you, for my sight- touch- smell, the love of family & a few good friends, my little guys... I am thankful for life.
Just a little random vent.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday Faves on a Thursday

Just random selfish things this week that made me smile;

Pretty in Pink

looking over some oldies..
I'm proud to announce my boys are...

Even though he's way too huge
too old
too everything...

My town
I Love knowing we are smooth in the middle of anything and everything.
Lots of jingly songs, even Arnie's new baby momma lives here.

Free Concerts!
Blaine Larsen... hasn't been heard from in a long time but he is absolutely amazing, uber handsome & really down to Earth.

& going with your best pal you've known your whole life...

Lastly; how awesome

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I swear I am alive...

Months and months have passed, I only have a little cluster of following pals, so when in Rome, fall off the face of the Earth...

I Realize that I have felt dead for the better few of those months and only now am I finally ready to feel sunshine again.
I fell in love with a boy some years ago, played ring around the relationship, said boy left March 9, 2011. Yes, I remember the day! 2 1/2 years to the day we met. I remember the fucking day... anywhoooo. I look back on it now & I feel grateful, sparks booming out my ass kind of grateful.. It didn't end on an ugly note, not by any means. We kissed good bye on a Monday, never to speak again.
NOW... I share my new found wisdom.
  • I won't be bitter, I shall treasure this knowledge and become a skeptic...
  • I could be incredibly pissed off at the man or I could just be thankful. Thankful?? Yes.. Lucky my heart could hold so much emotion, lucky I could love someone far more than I adore myself, lucky at the chance.
  • If a person wants out fore they believe there is green grass in there those hills out yonder, go eat that green grass Yak. & choke.
  • If your friends call him, "Old Balls" Or "Dinosaur"... if he's 40 & you're 21 when you meet & he stares down your shirt all night, refers to your lady bits as, "Boo-sums"... don't hang on for years to come..
I know now my feelings are on the mend because he's just a memory now & the life we shared seems like a movie.
I have my moments of glory; a certain song, restaurant and driving down certain roads... memories creep up. For the most part, it feels like I've grieved a death.
I went on my tirade, he could never stand for me to nip my hair so when he vanished I had a brilliant stunning idea; I cut two inches off my hair! Oh yeah. I showed him alright. He never saw it & I wound up with some chop job. My graphic designing bfff even offered to make me a whole entire newspaper complete with his fake obit if it would just make me smile.
& Lastly, what made my little trek through Bullshit Ln. a bit more funniez, "Eat, Pray, Love". It taught me that it's okay to miss him. To miss anyone. You have that little moment, feel it for all it's worth, embrace it... then ball it up and send it towards them & drop it. Drop it.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Epic Fail Fix

So I wound up finding this cute little cardstock at Michael's for ninety nine cents...

& I disassembled the mirror... traced the back to insure a good, proper fitting...

& then I found my ammo of choosing... I sprayed the silver really lightly over the picture... not enough to do a color change... just enough for a dewy, shiny look...

I used to ModPodge to adhere to picture to the paper, then I coated it as well to seal it...

Luckily, it dries clear! To further seal and protect it, I sprayed it down with 2 coats of polyurethane, which can be found at any hardware store or department...

Feeling that it still wasn't quite right, I found these charms meant for bracelet making but ultimately, I think it was meant for this...

& Viola! Put it all back together & this is what I have!!