I can stare for minutes stacked upon minutes at this tiny creature that my own body created. I love to snuggle him close & breath in all his goodness and memorize this tiny face. He'll be four months old in a few days, he's already 27 inches and around 15 pounds, 2 molars poked through within a week with no signs of any other teeth. He slobbers like crazy but he handles this teething business like a champ with a side of occasional fussy. He loves yogurt & beans, he's learning to grab his feet & rub those little tubby legs, practice those vowel sounds, even some scooting. He's a very happy boy who sleeps through the night & is all around just perfect to me. I feel soo incredibly blessed I was chosen to be his momma :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
How blessed am I??
Posted by Simply Sweet at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Birth Story..
Posted by Simply Sweet at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 21, 2012
Still Grateful...
I haven't posted in so long but looking back makes me realize how much I've grown. Then I look in the top left corner and feel the need to snicker at, "Simply Sweet Nuts...", so maybe not that much.
I thought I would never, ever meet my soul mate. I was 24 & really feeling the wrath of old age (HA!!) & then it happened. Like all things do when you least expect them. I met the one I was destined for, my heaven on Earth.
Posted by Simply Sweet at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 20, 2011
telephone blogs
I am reminded of things to be thankful for. At the moment I reach out to whomever via 2 thumbs & 2 bug bites; one for his dinner and one to avenge his pal's murder.
The night is still, the town quiet and the moon; a mere orange shadow.
I am thankful for you, for my sight- touch- smell, the love of family & a few good friends, my little guys... I am thankful for life.
Just a little random vent.
Posted by Simply Sweet at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Friday Faves on a Thursday

Posted by Simply Sweet at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Friday Faves
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I swear I am alive...
Months and months have passed, I only have a little cluster of following pals, so when in Rome, fall off the face of the Earth...
- I won't be bitter, I shall treasure this knowledge and become a skeptic...
- I could be incredibly pissed off at the man or I could just be thankful. Thankful?? Yes.. Lucky my heart could hold so much emotion, lucky I could love someone far more than I adore myself, lucky at the chance.
- If a person wants out fore they believe there is green grass in there those hills out yonder, go eat that green grass Yak. & choke.
- If your friends call him, "Old Balls" Or "Dinosaur"... if he's 40 & you're 21 when you meet & he stares down your shirt all night, refers to your lady bits as, "Boo-sums"... don't hang on for years to come..
Posted by Simply Sweet at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Epic Fail Fix
Posted by Simply Sweet at 7:25 PM 2 comments
Labels: tutorial